
We're several years old, but we haven't had a changelog page until 7/29/2024. Here is a list of what's new, and when it went live.


  • Launched new branding with light/dark modes
  • Events default to light mode detail and checkout flow, but can set light/dark/inherit


  • Updated server architecture
  • Display refund date, if applicable, on list of outstanding refund request items
  • Streamlined event cancellation queue processing
  • Streamlined transaction details for transactions that were comped


  • Updated group profiles to exclude ones that are disabled


  • Updated group page to circumvent group image cache after new image uploaded


  • Fixed issue where ticket level questions, if created then all marked inactive, were blocking user flow.
  • Improved presentation of ticket level questions where multiple tickets in a single order have to answer them


  • New report for groups to see their top customers by spend.


  • Event hosts can now only issue refunds if they have sufficient funds in Stripe to cover the refund. Hosts can load additional funds ('top ups' or 'add funds') into Stripe if they run into this.


  • Group Member listings now feature: Active, Expired, Invited, Follows


  • Updated Request Refund to include add-ons
  • Only one open refund request at a time is permitted for a single transaction


  • Enforcement of mandatory fields on ticket types was tightened up
  • Refund status added to transaction details
  • Removed link to transaction detail for received-transfers that don't have transactions
  • Added button to accept group follow/membership from dashboard
  • Added filter to ticket holder report


  • Fixed pagination dispay issue on ticket holders report
  • Updated phone number on privacy and cookies pages
  • Updated comp tickets email to display complimentary status
  • Disabled resend of membership renewal emails as resends are currently built for ticket transaction
  • Built report to show entire transfer history of transferred tickets


  • Added report to view complete ticket transfer history for an event
  • Changed event dashboard link for transfers to point to new report instead of pending transfers


  • Added event dashboard link to expire all pending purchases, if there are suspicious amounts, to be used in the case of a malicious attack
  • Capped ticket dropdown at 20, unless the ticket type overrides it
  • Enabled bundled tickets for groups
  • Added group application questions to group member detail
  • Streamlined free group membership flow
  • Auto approved group applicationw with application question/answers are now being tracked


  • Added links to Membership page if ticketing requires such
  • Fixed display issue when claiming last available ticket for a promo code
  • Infrastructure updates
  • Simplified event cards, and styling
  • Hover effect on event mouseover
  • Added changelog

2021- 7/29/2024

  • Everything else!