Hi Contrast Fridays #1: Light/Dark Album Release Party
Friday, April 7, 2023 7:00PM -
April 8 3:00AM
By Amari Doll Presents, KRS TYLR, KMG Life, Inc. And SPACE 2435 •
[email protected]
Sales are closed for this event.
SPACE 24352435 S. Broadway St.
Denver, Colorado 80204
Phone: 7034340405
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What would it look like if we put Modern & Traditional, Art & Tech, New Music & Old, Performers & Speakers, A Local Nonprofit & The BEST Production, all in one space, celebrating one of Denver's most Talented IDM artists for an evening of Colorado's Finest?
Auspuciously Presenting now WITH FUNKTION ONE SOUND:
#Hi/Contrast Fridays
The First of Many Arts & Music Extravaganzas at SPACE 2435 in SOBO.
Denver is a City of the beauty of stark contrasts, with some of the BEST Musicians, Artists & Artisans in the country. My gift to the City, via Amari Doll Presents, and Oracle Media Solutions solutions is to create a series that holds a space for the Conversations & Collaboration between ALL of Dencer's scenes, in a beautifully curated, Immersive Experience each month.
Each Month, beginning this April 7th, at 7PM for #FirstFriday #ArtWalk . Under 21 Accessible until 9 PM.
Featuring Music By:
Mustafa Alkemizer
The RICO Suave
Cap'n Swivler of Oddio.Files
Eric Salazar - formerly Phiddipus (Album Release Artist)
A Super Secret Special Guest!!
via #KMGStudiosDenver Three BRAND NEW producers
Syd The Indigo
Tall Oaks
Featured Performances by:
Radiance Bukari (Spoken Word)
Brian Wagner(Accoustic Set)
Anna Beazer (Stand Up Comedy)
Lunetta Flux
Jose Lopez
Featured Vendors/Artists: Open Gallery Side at 7PM
E's Ravewear
Mac's Crystal Cavern
Radical Creations Tie Dye
Aaron Ether's HEXACO
Lunetta Flux Crochet Arts
Amari Doll Presents
And and Interactive Art Installation Collaboration featuring the works of Aaron Ether
Auricular Skincraft
Warehouse Opens at 10PM for the Album Release Party
No under 21 after 10